Spinach Vegetables


Spinach is one of the most popular vegetables in Indonesia, even in the world. In addition to how to process it easy and the taste is also delicious. Spinach is very easy to get and the price is also very cheap, reachable by all people. From vegetable sellers to supermarkets, there must be some who sell spinach.

Spinach is one of the vegetables that is often consumed by many people. In addition to high nutritional value, spinach can be processed into various kinds. What is common is indeed made of clear vegetables, served during the day oh .. ... very fresh. But now there are many variations on how to cook spinach, some are made with stir-fry, salads, spinach chips or other creations.

Health Benefits of Spinach:

Spinach has a fairly complete vitamin and mineral content reported by a healthy doctor, the content of vitamins that have spinach include vitamin A, vitamin B, Vitamin C ,. In addition Spinach also contains the main minerals - magnesium, folic acid, iron, calcium and sodium. Sealin is there another source that says spinach contains antioxidants known as alpha-lipoic acid and has been proven to reduce glucose levels, increase insulin sensitivity and prevent oxidants, so it is very good at controlling diabetes levels, preventing cancer, preventing asthma, lowering blood pressure, maintaining bone health and maintain healthy skin and hair. Source: Hellosehat (

Since long ago everyone knew that spinach can prevent anemia, this is because spinach is a good intake of iron.

Spinach is also good for pregnant women, because spinach contains Folate, which is needed by the fetus. Because folate can help the development of the nervous system in the fetus.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (APP), spinach does contain nitrates, but it is still at a safe level, so there's no need to be afraid.

There are also benefits there are shortcomings, spinach also contains oxalads which can inhibit the absorption of iron when consumed, what else consumes the elderly. But there are ways to work around this by consuming vitamin C which can help the absorption of iron.

Spinach vegetables should not be consumed by patients with kidney stones, because spinach contains a lot of oxalad acid, which is not a problem for ordinary people but can trigger the formation of kidney stones for sufferers.

There are many more benefits that we can from spinach, apart from the ones I mentioned above, you can look for competent sources that explore health. However, I as a Cooking Class teacher, I will not be separated to provide ways to cook spinach vegetables that are right so that vitamins, minerals and elements that are beneficial to the health of the human body are not lost just because of the wrong way to cook it.

The Right Way to Cook Spinach;

I have Tips or how to cook spinach properly so as not to lose the Nutrition & Vitamins.

At first glance it is easy to cook spinach, but not as simple as we imagine. Cooking spinach for too long can cause good nutrients in it to be damaged or even lost.

Well, is it true that the vegetables we cook for the family are no longer nutritious?

For this blog, I want to share my experience on how to cook spinach properly.

Alright please refer to this note next:

1. When buying spinach, choose fresh spinach.

2. Make sure to wash the spinach as clean as possible before cooking.

3. Cook spinach not too long, just one minute.

4. So, before the spinach enters, let the water boil then add the marinade, then the spinach.

5. Boiling spinach for more than 4 minutes will actually make spinach lose half of its folic acid.

6. Never spinach reheat vegetables, because the nutritional content of spinach will be increasingly damaged (not cause toxins as long as people think).

Thus my article this time is hopefully useful, sorry if there are deficiencies. To complete, please find a more complete reference from several sources. Greetings and happiness.
